美国 / LaGuardia Design Group
– 2021年评审委员会
Project Statement
考虑到恢复自然系统所能带来的巨大影响,项目团队有意识地在整个项目中只使用本地植物,包括那些允许种植观赏性植物的区域。景观中还特别引入了从野外收集的本地植物,包括唐棣属植物、宾州杨梅和美洲冬青等。一种宾州本地的苔草(Carex Pensylvanica)成为了为该项目“量身定做”的地被,替代了其他观赏性的植物。
Project Narrative
Superstorm Sandy was a disaster of historic proportions, but at least on this site it created an opportunity. Undermining an undistinguished existing house, the storm also devastated its landscape overgrown with exotic and, all too often, invasive plantings.
Redevelopment provided a chance to work with the natural characteristics of the site and shape the new infrastructure to reinforce the local ecology. A new house was built farther back from the beach. National and local agencies introduced numerous parameters for developing the property. Most significant was a FEMA requirement to raise the new residence roughly 10’ above existing grade, protecting it from future storm events. This created the potential for a disconnect between the building and landscape. The first challenge, then, was marrying these two elements. To bridge this disconnect between building and site, the concept arose to reestablish a large dune landform to the South of the new residence, physically protecting and connecting the house and surrounding ecological context.
This new dunescape was created by shaping 5,000 cubic yards of local reclaimed beach sand into sinuous and undulating forms that reference the naturally created dunes, which had previously existed. The buff-colored limestone echoes the color of the beach sand and extended the lines of the house, creating a strong visual sense of integration. A sea of American Beach Grass was used to stabilize the sand, and low masses of native Beach Plum and Bayberry were layered in, providing deeper root structure to strengthen the dune.
Recognizing the environmental significance of this undertaking, a similar restoration effort was implemented along the freshwater edge of Fairfield Pond, situated north of the site. Carefully preserving native plant communities and habitat; soil and debris were removed by hand. A new diverse matrix of native wetland plants including High Bush Blueberry, Inkberry, switch Grass and Spartina Grass were used to reestablish the wetland edge and upland buffer between the house and pond.
Understanding the significant impact of restoring these natural systems, a conscious decision was made to use only native plants for the entire project, even in areas were ornamental planting would be permissible. Wild field-collected specimens of native Shadblow, Bayberry and Winterberry were located, serving as prominent features in the design. Carex Pensylvanica was creatively reimagined as a tailored groundcover, used in place of ornamental alternatives.
By electing to showcase these native plant options, the landscape became a sustainable part of the larger environmental context; improving water quality, creating habitat, bio-diversity and reducing water and energy consumption.
More:ASLA;LaGuardia Design Group