
美国 / Design Workshop, Inc.


– 2022年评审委员会

“The once underused lawn is now activated with a performance pavilion, trails, marketplace, two restaurants, an arts garden, dog park, and social game courts. Bayou-inspired water features bring nature to the city to provide respite and sustainable water management – all built on top of a public underground parking garage. Rainwater is collected and stored within a 70,000-gallon subsurface cistern. Midtown Park serves as an early demonstration project for the ongoing development of a greener, more walkable Houston.”

– 2022 Awards Jury

来自 ASLA 对gooood的分享。

2022 ASLA URBAN DESIGN AWARD OF HONOR: Midtown Park | Design Workshop, Inc.


Project Statement



The opening of Midtown Park fulfills a decade long dream to rejuvenate Midtown Houston. In 2010, the Midtown Redevelopment Authority (MRA) and design team strategized revitalizing this neighborhood, which historically struggled. A vision plan was adopted that identified catalyst projects to help overcome the social, environmental, and economic disparities plaguing the community. Facilitated by Houston’s absence of zoning and aging infrastructure, the district lacked cohesiveness, desirable and affordable housing, connectivity, and green open spaces. The capstone project, Midtown Park, brings these elements together as the premier destination for the (now) “most walkable neighborhood” in Houston.

The Midtown Park superblock provides much-needed housing, commercial space, and (subsurface) off-street parking as well as nature, art, stormwater detention, and community gathering areas. This vibrant, urban park improves access to green space and amenities for visitors while creating a balance of active and passive recreational opportunities within the park’s signature spaces. Slated to be the first SITES project in Houston, Midtown Park represents sustainability and resilience in one of the nation’s largest and most diverse cities.


▲中城公园:在过去的50年间,中城的复兴计划曾被多次提出。设计团队通过场所营造确立了社区特色,解决了基础设施老化的问题,为所有家庭与企业创造了一个公平的、国际化的新社区。Midtown Park. Many attempts were made to revitalize Midtown Houston over the past five-decades. Through placemaking the design team established community character and addressed aging infrastructure to create a new equitable, cosmopolitan community for all families and businesses.


Project Narrative



全面的复兴工作开始于2010年的宜居市中心研究(Livable Center Study),该研究旨在提出能够为中城区注入全新活力的战略建议。设计团队创建了一份愿景计划,将重点放在城市设计机制和试点项目的确定,帮助社区解决社会、环境和经济问题并展示艺术作品。该计划还针对休斯顿缺乏分区和基础设施老化的问题提出了解决建议。设计团队将场所的营造与复原力作为成功落实项目的关键因素。作为这些项目的最终成果,中城公园如今已成为休斯顿“最适合步行的社区”中的首选目的地。

















▲规划图:战略性的规划和催化项目的开发使中城区成为了休斯顿最适宜步行的居住地。中城公园实现了20年前制定的愿景,为社区提供了一个集娱乐、艺术、自然和聚会为一体的中央城市公园。Planning. Strategic planning and catalyst developments has made Midtown District the most walkable place to live in Houston. Fulfilling a vision established 20 years ago, Midtown Park provides its community a central urban park defined, by recreation, art, nature, and gathering.


▲经济可行性:被采用的愿景规划为克服休斯顿缺乏分区以及社会、经济和环境方面的问题提供了城市设计建议,这对该地区有着至关重要的意义。成倍增长的再投资为中城公园的开发奠定了基础。Economic Viability. An adopted vision plan that provides urban design recommendations to overcome Houston’s absence of zoning as well as social, economic, and environmental issues was critical for the district. Reinvestments grew exponentially, setting the stage for Midtown Park.


▲场所营造。在中城重建局(MRA)作为一个改革机构在休斯顿成立时,中城“中央公园”的概念就已经启动。场所营造和复原力被认为是该项目能够成功落实的关键因素。Placemaking. The concept of a “central park” for Midtown was set in motion when the Midtown Redevelopment Authority (MRA) established itself as an agency of change in Houston. Placemaking and resilience were identified as critical success factors for this project.


▲功能布局:中城公园由各种灵活的多功能空间构成,可以容纳丰富的活动和计划,如日间集市和节庆活动等,它们为周边社区创造了经济增长,并树立了社区意识。Programming. Midtown Park is comprised of a wide variety of flexible, multi-functional spaces that can accommodate several events and programs such as day markets and night festivals, which create economic growth and a sense of community within the surrounding neighborhood.


▲环境管理:标志性的“河湾”设计是一个人工建造的水道和滞留系统,模仿了休斯顿的天然河口湿地和低地沼泽。这一具有教育功能的元素反映了该地区的自然水文生态系统。Environmental Stewardship. The signature design feature, the “Bayou”, a constructed water channel and detention system, which mimics the natural bayou wetlands and bottomland swamps of Houston. This educational component reflects the natural hydrologic ecosystem of the region.


▲可持续性:雨水被收集并储存在一个容量为7万加仑的地下蓄水池中。中水被用于灌溉或再循环。多余的水将直接流入建造好的河湾,在那里停留一段时间后再排入城市的雨水沟渠系统。Sustainability. Rainwater is collected and stored within a 70,000-gallon subsurface cistern. The greywater is used for irrigation or recirculation. Excess water flows directly into the constructed bayou, where it is held before release into the municipal storm sewer system.


▲恢复力:中城公园的河湾在改善水质和野生动物栖息地的同时,还能够防止洪水泛滥,从而增强经济与生态复原力。在极端降雨事件发生期间,河湾可以吸收并滞留雨水,从而防止当地洪泛和财产损失。Resilience. The Midtown Park Bayou establishes ecological resiliency by protecting against flooding while improving water quality and wildlife habitat. During extreme rainfall events, the bayou can absorb and detain stormwater preventing local flooding and property damage.


▲环境敏感性:公园的设计创造了一个能让树木和花园茁壮生长的环境。地下停车场的上方是一个具有生命力的、可持续的公园,它拥有复杂的排水系统、坚固的防水层、水泵和雨水蓄水池。Environmental Sensitivity. The park design creates an environment where trees and gardens thrive in adequate soil volumes. A living, sustainable park above an underground parking garage with an intricate system of draining capabilities, robust waterproofing, pumps, and a rainwater cistern.


▲多样性、公平性和包容性:中城公园是为所有年龄段和文化背景的人而设计,包含小径、游乐场和互动喷泉。位于舞台旁边的“雨水喷泉”通过“雨滴”和“闪电”的场景编排来模拟休斯顿的暴风雨。Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The park is designed for all ages and cultures. There are trails, playgrounds, and an interactive fountain. The “Rain Fountain” located adjacent to the stage is designed to mimic a Houston storm event by choreographing “rain drops” and “lightning”.


▲城市本地花园:80多种本地落叶乔木、林下灌木、芳香授粉植物和湿地植物,为改造后的城市环境注入了多样且活跃的生态。由本地石凳围成的线性小径为河湾沿岸提供了休憩的机会。Urban Native Gardens. Over 80 species of native deciduous trees, understory shrubs, fragrant pollinators, and wetland plants, infuse diverse and vibrant ecologies into the transformed urban setting. Linear pathways, bound by native stone benches, offer opportunities for respite along the Bayou.


▲艺术与文化。公共艺术是整个公园中的重要元素。中城公园保护协会投入巨资,邀请来自当地且在国际上知名的艺术家设计了4件永久艺术作品,使公园成为该地区标志性的存在。Art and Culture. Public art is a key element seen throughout the park. The Midtown Parks Conservancy made significant investments in securing local, internationally recognized artists to install four permanent art pieces, cementing the park as an icon for the district.


▲对水的赞美:公园的设计同时回应和拥抱了休斯顿的酷暑天气。在舞台旁边,一层薄薄的水面能够在白天为主广场区域降温,到了夜晚则变成一个充满艺术感的反光元素。Celebrating Water. The park design not only responds to, but embraces, the intense heat of Houston. Adjacent to the stage, a thin sheet of water cools the primary plaza area during the daytime, while at night, becomes a reflective, artful element.


▲交通和基础设施:中城公园拥有便捷的公交系统,包括公共汽车、轻轨、自行车共享系统和现场滞留空间,长期保持着公平性和可达性,并迅速成为了该区最受欢迎和游览频率最高的开放空间之一。Transit and Infrastructure. With immediate access to transit: buses, light rail, and bike share systems and onsite detention, Midtown Park has remained equitable and accessible, and it quickly became one of the most popular and frequented open space destinations in the district.


▲使开放空间最大化。设计整合了一个可容纳400个车位的地下车库,为该项目提供了必要的停车空间,使其在可用土地十分有限的地区也具有可行性。占地三英亩的公园最终得以为打造充满活力的社区空间做出贡献。Maximizing Open Space. The design integrates a 400-space subterranean garage, which offers the necessary parking to make the project viable in a district with limited available land, enabling the three-acre park to contribute towards creating a vibrant community space.


▲促进更广阔的城市景观:作为中城区最重要的公园景点,成功整合高度复杂的雨水管理系统,并承诺以负责任的方式使用资源,对于该项目有着至关重要的意义。公园的可持续发展措施为休斯顿市民提供了一种全新模式。Contributing to the Broader Urban Landscape. As the premier park destination in Midtown, successful integration of highly complex stormwater management systems and a commitment to the responsible use of resources is vital for the larger district. The park’s sustainability measures offer a new model to Houstonians.

Project Narrative

Many know Houston as the commuter, flood-prone city without zoning. Fewer know it as the most diverse city in the United States. The design team was commissioned by the Midtown Redevelopment Authority (MRA) to reimagine and rebrand the district as a vibrant pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use hub. Through strategic planning efforts and a collection of catalyst project investments, Midtown is now considered the most walkable place to live in Houston. Midtown Park, the culminating effort, provides residents and visitors a true urban park.

Over the last fifty years, many attempts were made to revitalize Midtown. However, a lack of distinguishable community character and identity as well as aging infrastructure continuously saw businesses move to the cost-effective suburbs. In the 1990s, grassroots efforts formed the MRA, an organization dedicated to the growth and prosperity of the district. The MRA immediately petitioned the city to define Midtown as an arts and entertainment district supported by a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ). This set the stage. Midtown, with its superb location, TIRZ support, and new designation, was ready to reach its full potential.

A holistic revitalization effort commenced in 2010 with a Livable Center Study, which sought to recommend strategies that could breathe new life into the Midtown District. The design team prepared a vision plan focused on identifying urban design mechanisms and pilot projects that would help the community address social, environmental, and economic issues as well as showcase the arts. The plan also provided recommendations to overcome Houston’s absence of zoning and aging infrastructure. The design team identified placemaking and resilience as critical success factors for catalytic implementation projects. The capstone of these projects, Midtown Park, is the premier destination for the (now) “most walkable neighborhood” in Houston.


The concept of a “central park” in Midtown was set in motion when the MRA established itself as an agency of change in Houston. MRA worked to acquire underutilized properties to capitalize on this opportunity. Upon acquisition, the MRA, developer, and design team worked in partnership over several years to develop the property into a hub of activity for the district.


Midtown Park is the epicenter of Houston’s Midtown District, a growing neighborhood with renewed identity from public realm redevelopment. The 6-acre project site is a “superblock” created from inaccessible, privately owned, and unmaintained open fields, bounded by narrow sidewalks and several large existing oak trees, which were preserved and protected. The centerpiece of the property and larger parks system is Midtown Park, a 3-acre parcel activated with a performance pavilion, trails, marketplace, playgrounds, interactive fountain, an arts garden, dog park, and social game courts. Bayou-inspired water features bring nature to the city providing respite and sustainable water management – all built on top of a public underground parking garage. Midtown Park is a demonstration for the continued development of a greener, more walkable Houston that proves that high-quality public spaces are a crucial ingredient for successful, livable cities.

Challenged with creating the “premier urban park destination in Midtown”, the design team understood the park needed seamless integration into the district. They capitalized on the site’s geographic locale, proximity to transit, surrounding developments, and a need to place parking below grade. The design team successfully collaborated, designed, and implemented a park that serves the needs of the neighborhood and greater community as well as bolstered the integrity of the district’s brand through programming and innovative design features.

Midtown sits between two major employment hubs, Downtown and the Medical Center. The district made public streetscape investments in Midtown to foster growth. This increased walkability as well as demand for accessible park space; therefore, Midtown Park is a critical destination within the urban fabric of Houston, a city with one of the lowest Park Scores in the nation.


The location of the park immediately adjacent to Houston’s transit-oriented Main Street was strategically identified by the design team to ensure Midtown Park remained an equitable resource. With immediate access to transit, light rail, and bike share systems, Midtown Park has quickly become one of the most popular and frequently visited open spaces in the district, and park visitors exemplify Houston’s title as the most culturally diverse city in the United States.

Midtown Park is comprised of a wide variety of flexible, multi-functional spaces that can accommodate several events and programs such as markets and festivals, which create economic growth and a sense of community within the surrounding neighborhood. In support of the Midtown Strategic Plan and the Midtown Open Space Plan, the design of the park engages all age groups. To aid the continual evolution of the park, the design and layout focuses on flexible use, utilizing the large, centrally located, multi-purpose lawn, which is gently sloped to face the “Rain Fountain” adjacent to the stage. When not operational, the Rain Fountain (designed to mimic a Houston storm event by choreographing “rain drops” and “lightning”) can be transformed into additional plaza space for flexible seating during events.

Public art is a key component of the park’s design, and it can be seen throughout the park. The Midtown Parks Conservancy made significant investments in securing local, internationally recognized artists to install 4 permanent art pieces, cementing the park as an icon for the district.

The berms, just behind the event lawn, provide topographic relief in an area with unremarkably flat topography that provide views of Downtown’s skyline. Despite the berms, the park, with superb lighting, maintains a sense of transparency from corners and key pedestrian edges, such as Main Street, allowing the park to reach beyond its borders into the diverse community.

A challenge that proved surmountable was creating an environment where trees and gardens could thrive in adequate soil volumes and uphold a living, sustainable park above an underground parking garage with an intricate system of draining capabilities, robust waterproofing, pumps, and a rainwater cistern. The underground parking garage presented both an opportunity and a challenge, as the integration of much-needed parking helped to make the project viable in an area that is under extreme development pressure with little desire for surface lots.


The backbone of the site and key feature of the design was the integration of the “Bayou”, a constructed water channel and detention system, which mimics the natural bayous, swamps, bottomland hardwood forests and wetlands of Houston, all of which are integral pieces of the hydrology of the region. Working together with bioswales and rain gardens, these educational features were designed with an assortment of native plant materials typically found in this environment and has proven to enhance economic and ecological resiliency by protecting against flooding while improving water quality and wildlife habitat. During extreme rainfall events, like Hurricane Harvey, the bayou can absorb and detain stormwater preventing local flooding and property damage.

Rainwater is collected and stored within a 70,000-gallon subsurface cistern. The water is reused on-site for irrigating plant material or as “make-up” water for the recirculating Midtown Bayou. When there is excess water, such as during large rain events, an overflow structure moves water directly to the constructed bayou, where it is held and treated by the plants and soils before release into the municipal storm sewer system. This layered and integrated approach to stormwater management takes pressure off over-burdened infrastructural systems and helps to cleanse water through natural infiltration. As the premier park destination in Midtown, the successful integration of highly complex stormwater management systems and a commitment to the responsible use of resources was vital for the development. The park’s sustainability measures offer a new model to Houstonians – SITES Silver certification.

More: ASLA; Design Workshop, Inc.



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