Lilidorei 利利多雷魔法村主题乐园
△ 利利多雷魔法村
Lilidorei at the Alnwick Garden
由赫斯科英国总部参与设计的Lilidorei利利多雷魔法村主题乐园位于在阿尼克花园(Alnwick Garden)内,利利多雷是一个神秘的魔法村庄,埃尔夫温·德林(Elfwin Drin)作为世界上最大的游乐结构装置就位于魔法村中。
Within the setting of The Alnwick Garden, Lilidorei is a magical new play village and home to Elfwin Drin, the world’s largest play structure. Lilidorei designed with the involvement of the Haskoll headquarters – Ryder Architecture.
The Vision: "We aim to enable children of all abilities to leave their mobile phones behind and enjoy both physical and imaginary play – to be immersed in a magical world of strange sounds, storytelling, myths, and all-round fun!"
The brainchild of the Duchess of Northumberland, Lilidorei is a magical mysterious village full of play, and home to nine clans who worship Christmas. They are ruled by Lord Elfwin, King of Lilidorei who lives in Elfwin Drin, the biggest play structure in the world.
The village is set within a forest of 1,400 Christmas trees. Nothing is off the peg; everything is bespoke, unique to Lilidorei and full of character. The integrated lighting and immersive sound system all add to the magic. A journey through Lilidorei will be an unrivalled experience for visitors with all senses stimulated to create excitement, fear, wonder and awe throughout the year.
项目所在地 | Location:Northumberland
客户:The Alnwick Garden Trust
项目类型 | Type:Landscape
完工时间 | Year:April 2023
项目规模 | Area:25,000sqm