Zaha Hadid Architects
扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所(ZHA)提出的“那不勒斯东门户”(Napoli Porta Est)总体规划方案荣获设计竞赛优胜,其核心目标是重连城市支离破碎的肌理。那不勒斯东部地区因城市肌理缺乏整合而与城市整体脱节,长期处于孤立状态,并被认为缺乏安全性。该片区公共空间匮乏,同时受到物理与心理上的屏障限制,阻碍了居民的出行和社交互动。
该总体规划涵盖了那不勒斯东部受过去几十年重工业衰退影响最严重的区域,旨在推动城市废弃工业区的可持续复兴。方案不仅引入了可适应性基础设施,还规划了一座全新的城市公园,并将废弃的铁路调车场改造为公共空间,以促进城市更新和社会融合。扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所的方案同时致力于缓解该区域主要交通枢纽的严重拥堵问题,该枢纽作为意大利国家交通网络的门户,具有重要战略地位。通过拆除废弃铁路调车场形成的屏障,总体规划释放了城市东部与那不勒斯历史中心重新连接的潜力。超过30公顷的废弃工业建筑,包括原曼尼法图拉·塔巴奇(Manifattura Tabacchi)烟草厂及费尔特里内利(Feltrinelli)工业区的老旧建筑,将被改造为适合城市居民使用的空间。
此外,该方案还为城市提供了更广阔的未来发展机遇,规划将进一步改造占地100多公顷、已废弃的Q8石油库区,使其转变为一个全新的城市片区,并配备公共设施及市民空间,以满足当地社区的需求。“那不勒斯东门户”总体规划国际设计竞赛由坎帕尼亚大区政府、那不勒斯市政府、意大利国家铁路公司(RFI)旗下城市更新部门FS Sistemi Urbani,以及铁路运营商EAV联合主办。
•该项目将其中超过10公顷的土地改造为景观花园和广场,并与玛莎·施瓦茨(Martha Schwartz)合作设计为一座城市公园,公园内种植了该地区特有的本土树种。
•整体规划旨在重新连接那不勒斯市内长期割裂的多个区域:中央商务区(Centro Direzionale)、火车站、Mercato市场区以及东部工业区(Oriental Zone)。该设计以步行友好为核心,同时在地下设有多模式交通换乘枢纽,以提升城市连通性。
•城市连通性:整合绿化步道,引导行人从波塔诺拉纳(Porta Nolana)步行至中央火车站及新公园,并提出通过步行桥连接中央商务区(Centro Direzionale)及其新地铁站的方案。
The new Headquarters of the Campania Region:
o Accessibility: Designed as an inclusive and accessible civic hub
o Energy Performance: The compact shape of the towers improves energy efficiency, reducing the footprint and creating more public green spaces.
o Interaction with natural elements: The envelope optimses natural elements — light, wind and panoramic views — ensuring excellent thermal insulation, reducing solar load and glare, without compromising the spectacular views of the Gulf of Naples, Vesuvius and the surrounding hills.
o Optimising natural light: The façade design takes into account the movement of the sun throughout the day: north-facing openings are maximised to allow natural light to enter the buildings and enhance the views, while direct sun exposure is minimised on other façades of the buildings to reduce energy requirements. Optimising natural light levels in interior spaces reduces the energy demand for artificial lighting, which is one of the largest energy consumers in contemporary office buildings. Placing the core at the centre of the buildings limits deep floor plans to enhance the effectiveness of the natural light, while spectrally selective glazing reduces solar hear gain and glare.
o Bioclimatic solutions: Natural ventilation, green roofs and passive systems to ensure energy efficiency and sustainability.
o Sustainability and safety: High seismic performance, sustainable resource management, CAM and DNSH compliance.
o Hybrid construction system: The construction system will be hybrid concrete/steel from local suppliers, ensuring accurate control of construction costs and times, and above all will guarantee the best performance and flexibility.
o Construction Phases: Construction is divided into phases to allow for immediate use of the completed areas, ensuring efficiency throughout the process.
o Dynamic and flexible hub: The HQ is designed to be a highly functional workplace and an inclusive center capable of adapting to future needs.
o The new HQ of the Campania Region is framed by tree-lined squares leading to the new urban park. The architecture emerges from the green areas without interruption, blurring the transition between landscape and architecture to reconnect the city’s urbanism with nature.
7,000 平方米光伏系统:安装于屋顶及遮阳结构上,以提供可再生能源。
•符合 A 级标准 的近零能耗建筑(NZEB)。
•力求达到 LEED 铂金级 认证(适用于塔楼)。
•采用 生物气候外立面设计,降低玻璃比例,实现自遮阳效果,并优化自然通风。
•塔楼采用 轻量化结构及外立面,减少建筑材料的碳足迹。
Project Team
Project credits: Zaha Hadid Architects (Architecture and Masterplanning)
Responsible Director: Michele Pasca di Magliano
Director (rail & TOD): Filippo Innocenti
Design Director: Maria Tsironi
Project Associates: Andrea Balducci Caste, Cristina Barrios Cabrera, Domenico Di Francesco,
Torsten Broeder, Vincenzo Barilari
Design Team: Bechara Malkoun, Cemre Demirci, Cherry Lee, Ghanem Younes, Hanadi
Izzuddin, Haoyue Zhang, HyunJin Kim, Irfan Bhakrani, Martina Rosati, Olivia Dolan, Sera Su
Abac, Yaseen Bhatti, Jing Xu
Workplace Analitics: Uli Blum, Lorena Espaillat Bencosme, Danial Haziq Hamdan, Christoph
Sustainability: Abhilash Menon, Aditya Ambare, Bahaa Alnassrallah, Disha Shett
Acquisitions: Marcella Fedele
Local Architect: Barracco Smith
Structural and Civil Engineering: Interpogetti SRL
M&E Engineering: Macchiaroli & Partners
Landscape Design: Martha Schwartz Partners
Artist and Lighting Design: Jason Bruges Studio
Cost Consultant: BC Consulting
Traffic and Urban Mobility: MiC-HUB
Safety in construction: Gianni Artuso
Archeologo: Viviana Mancusi
Economista: Prof. Massimo Marrelli
More:Zaha Hadid Architects